Monday, February 16, 2009

The Hunger Game

I just read a pretty good book today called The Hunger Game. It takes place in the future about a girl who is put in a arena with other people around the same age. They are there to kill each other. That is pretty much the whole book but it is really interesting and in the middle of all this there is a crazy love story. It is a pretty crazy book. very very intense i couldn't put it down.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


WOW I'm a workaholic all i have been doing is working. Today this is my work schedule.
1. at 11 i leave to babysit
2. at 12 i leave to go serve food at the Pioneer Valley Lodge
3. at 1:30 i go back and babysit till 7 pm
ha ha okay it isn't a lot it is just I'm doing it all day and it is Saturday isn't that a rest and play day? why am i working?