Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I think i'm converting over to facebook. everyones got one and i hear that it is alot of fun. but i dunno i am kinda bored and needed something to blog about.... thats another plus with facebook i dont have to type as much that would be really nice if you havent noticed im not much of a typer. ok well that all if you want me to blog about something (Brieson, Sierra) let me know hahaha

Friday, April 24, 2009

Long Time No See

hey i havent been on this for a long time. but i promise i will get better at it and write all about my life since i know you what you hear all about it. but really nobody is going to read this . . okay Brieson might . . and maybe Sierra hahaha but thats it . . well i guess a creepy person i dont know could but that would be way weird.
like i met this kid one time who was creepy so i felt where i was to go find someone i knew and he ended up finding out my number which was way super creepy.
or another time this kid from my school woulf walk his dog in circles around my house i couldnt go outside for weeks without seeing him, defidently a creeper.
another time there was a peeping tom in my neighborhood, but dont worry they caught him and he is in jail. what a creeper. . . well i think that is all the stories i have about creepers hahaha hope i know who ever is reading this or your a creeper too