Thursday, December 25, 2008


I get to blog on Christmas! yippy! Christmas was wonderful i didn't really know what i wanted so my parents just had to guess they did really good at guessing. I got a DS-which was totally sweet- i got some lotion and perfume-so i can smell all nice- i got a giant sugar daddy sucker-its gonna take a year to finish it- I got a giant box of the smartie suckers-half are already gone- i got a webkinz-I'll have to write about that later- and just a alot of others stuff i can't think of cuz I've been up since 2 AM. Talk about a party. Cassie couldn't sleep so she got everyone up, but it all worked out. I hope you all loved Christmas, ooh and i forgot the best part it snowed all day we got like 4ft. I'm so going sledding tomorrow! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

St. George!

For basketball we got to go to St. George for 3 days Thursday, Friday, Saturday. It was quite the party. We had hotel rooms but i don't think anyone slept. We had a game Thursday at Snow Canyon, we won. Then we had a game on Friday at Pine View we won there too and i got to not only play So. I also played jv. I was way excited! We partyed all night and decided to leave really early so we could get home sooner. We left at 6:30 the next morning and got like no sleep at all so everyone fell asleep on the bus and slept the whole way home. It wasn't a bad sleep either we all had our own seats and i was pretty confortable. But i'm glad i'm home now. And Chirstmas is just around the corner!!