Thursday, December 25, 2008


I get to blog on Christmas! yippy! Christmas was wonderful i didn't really know what i wanted so my parents just had to guess they did really good at guessing. I got a DS-which was totally sweet- i got some lotion and perfume-so i can smell all nice- i got a giant sugar daddy sucker-its gonna take a year to finish it- I got a giant box of the smartie suckers-half are already gone- i got a webkinz-I'll have to write about that later- and just a alot of others stuff i can't think of cuz I've been up since 2 AM. Talk about a party. Cassie couldn't sleep so she got everyone up, but it all worked out. I hope you all loved Christmas, ooh and i forgot the best part it snowed all day we got like 4ft. I'm so going sledding tomorrow! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Miss Cortney Ballard! Why did you get a new blog? I dont get it? I want SNOW!!! I think we are going to flagstaff the day before new year's eve, so maybe I'll get to see some snow!! It was 51 degrees out today and we all stayed in with HUGE coats and stuff on, so I dont even think we can take the 30 degree flagstaff weather! But we will see! Ha ha ha
