Thursday, January 15, 2009

Asking a guy to the Valentines dance

So my friend is asking someone to the valentines day dance. What should she do??
1st idea: my neighbor is a cop and we want him to arrest him and then later after he is in cuffs have him ask.
2nd idea: get a whole bunch of new papers and put them every where in his room with the letters of his name circled.
3rd idea: make a t-shirt and write in washable marker every girls name you can think of, then on the back in permanent marker right her name, tell him to wash it then all the other marker will wash off and her name will be there.
4th and last idea: Do the first idea but add pictures of beer and weed to make it more suspenseful.
Which idea do you think is they best??


  1. definatley the first one! Thats the best! The second one, I dont know if he'll figure it out. The third one would waste alot of water, and sopa, and if he does it with more that just that T-shirt, it will stain all the clothes, the fourth one, eh.

  2. Cortney

    Hey could you have you mom call me about preschool
    thanks jessica
